You were created by the Lord to be great and greatness is living your life for the glory of the Lord
You need to embrace the truth that you were made to shine in the ways and for the purposes for which the Lord has designed you. To accept and or to live in anything less than this is to live a wasted life, being satisfied with less than what you were made to be and to achieve with your one life. That is a strong statement but, when you look at men and women who have lived fruitful and purposeful lives for the Lord, it is what they came to believed. So here is a challenge:
If you are not finding success in your life - spiritual, relational, professional,
personal financial, etc., it is time to stop doing whatever it is you are doing.
You cannot continue on a path, down a road, or in a situation that is not leading you to fulfilling your purpose. On the long ride home from Thanksgiving with my family in Pennsylvania I began to evaluate my 2023 life. I came to realize that there were some habits that were working against me achieving my life's purpose. In that moment it came to me that I needed to decisively change the direction of and or kill specific ways of living. I needed to engage in the act of disruption.
From a business perspective disruption is the action of bringing a different product on the market the changes and challenges current products. In other words, a company sees a way in which something can be either, made better or it introduces an entirely new product that changes the entire landscape of an industry. An example would be that of Tesla. It changed the car industry. Changing an entire industry is hard work but disrupting yourself is even harder!
Causing a disruption in business is an act that exists outside of those who are causing it. Personal disruption involves looking within and changing ourselves. This is difficult because it demands an intense and honest examination of the habits that have shaped our lives and have defined who we have become. Habits represent those things that we do that consistently without even needing to consciously think about doing them. They produce ingrained thoughts that decisively shape and guide our life and our assessment of what is true, good and beautiful. They are as "us" as is our personality. When we look at our lives we can see the result of our habits because, as one man has stated, "We are what we repeatedly do."
If what you are currently doing is not moving you towards living the life of greatness the Lord has called you to, it is because the habits you have are not aligning with that purpose. Disruption is required. This demands that we look critically within ourselves to discern answers to two fundamentally important questions of disruption:
1. What habits need innovation (to be made better)?
2. What habits need to be eradicated?
Everything about me is not for me. Everything I do, think, say and or feel is not good, profitable or even honorable, despite how I might protest. I am not as good, smart, talented, honest, trustworthy, godly, or friendly as I might think.
That might come as a shock to us when we admit this but this kind of thinking is necessary to make the changes required for continued growth. It is only in acknowledging these things that I can discern where I need to grow and what I need to completely change. Here is the fruit of this painful process of disruption:
The disruption of what is keeping me stagnant and mediocre will always lead to
the eruption of fruitfulness and greatness.
I made the following statement above that is attributed to Aristotle - "We are what we repeatedly do." That is only part of the quote. the full quote is this:
"We are what we repeatedly do; Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
Let me change one word that makes this quote match my point in this post:
"We are what we repeatedly do; Greatness, then, is not an act, but a habit."
What do you need to disrupt?
A very honest self-examination will identify what in our lives need to be disrupted.
Thank you Pastor.